Compact Water Softener
Smaller is Smarter, that’s our motto at WaterBoss.
At its inception, WaterBoss engineers were instructed to design a compact water softener that was more reliable with as much softening capacity as the conventional, full sized, water softeners available on the market at the time.
20 years later the Waterboss compact water softener remains the only compact water softener with “full size” capacities, while using less salt, less time and less water to regenerate. And the WaterBoss carries a better warranty!
Don’t be fooled by imitations!
We are flattered our competitors try to imitate our compact water softener. However it’s not the outside that matters; it’s what is inside.
Yes, the Waterboss is a compact water softener. It is also a complete water treatment system with built in whole house water filtration, iron reduction and softening capabilities.
The Waterboss line of compact water softeners, contain the same amount of water softening resin as our competitors conventional bulky models.
The secret is in the resin.
At WaterBoss, our patented design, enables us to properly use super fine mesh resin. Super fine mesh resin allows the Waterboss to use less salt, less water and less time per regeneration.
When the competition decided to build their version of a compact water softener, they merely reduced the physical size of the unit and also reduced the capacity of the unit.
In most applications the WaterBoss compact water softener will replace the need for 3 to 5 separate pieces of equipment.
If you are looking to save space, time, energy, salt, water and money, choose the WaterBoss compact water softener.